Site Assignments: Advanced Integration Level

Policy 523.00

Policy Statement

The Robert Larner, M.D., College of Medicine at the University of Vermont Advanced Integration Level of the curriculum includes clinical opportunities to complete required Internal Medicine (IM) Acting Internship and Emergency Medicine (EM) rotations at the University of Vermont Health Network and at our affiliate sites with the Connecticut Branch Campus of the Larner College of Medicine. Scheduling of these two required courses is accomplished through a lottery process that restricts students to placement based on their assigned campus: Connecticut Branch Campus students are enrolled in Connecticut IM and EM rotations, and Vermont Campus students are enrolled in Vermont rotations. Additionally, due to capacity considerations, “student choice” acting internships offered at the Connecticut sites are intended for Connecticut Campus students unless approved by Associate Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education at the Connecticut Branch Campus.

Policy Elaboration

Extenuating Circumstances

The Office of Medical Education reserves the right to reassign students to complete their rotation at a specific campus for personal, academic, or professional reasons.

Site Exemption Requests

To be considered for a site exemption allowing the student to enter the Advanced Integration lottery for a required Internal Medicine Acting Internship and/or Emergency Medicine rotation at the campus not assigned to the student, the student must: 1) notify the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education at the Connecticut Branch campus and the Assistant Dean for Advanced Integration, and 2) file a request form through OASIS no later than December 1 prior to the Advanced Integration lottery. If the site exemption request is based on a documented disability, students must contact Student Accessibility Services at the University of Vermont (SAS) prior to uploading the request form to OASIS.

Student Accessibility Services will review with the student the necessary healthcare provider documentation to determine if the student is eligible for a site exemption accommodation. Advanced Integration Level rotations are only four weeks in duration; therefore, documentation based on medical conditions must stipulate that treatment cannot be obtained at the assigned campus.

Upon receipt of the electronic request including any supporting documents, the Office of Medical Education will review and process the exemption request prior to the lottery. When working with SAS, medical information should be submitted directly to SAS, and only the SAS accommodation letter should be uploaded to OASIS with the UVM Larner College of Medicine Advanced Integration Level Site Exemption Request Form (the documentation to support a medical request should not include any medical information). Requests made after the annual deadline will be subject to capacity. If space is not available, the student can meet with the Director of Academic Achievement, the Associate/Assistant Dean for Students, and/or the Assistant Dean for Advanced Integration to discuss alternative options.

Please note, students with site exemptions are expected to rank applicable rotations in their lottery selections. If they are unable to secure a placement through the lottery by prioritizing the course selections, students with approved exemptions will be administratively placed in available rotations outside of the lottery process.

During the Advanced Integration year, if students wish to receive a site exemption for a required Internal Medicine Acting Internship and/or Emergency Medicine rotation, they must first meet with the Dean for Undergraduate Education at the Connecticut Campus and then contact the relevant course director(s). Upon approval, students may register for available unfilled positions.

After Scheduling Lotteries

During the Advanced Integration year, if students wish to receive a site exemption, they must first submit the request form as described above to obtain provisional approval from the Associate/Assistant Dean for Students, then contact the relevant course director(s) for final approval. Upon receiving permission from both, the student may register for available unfilled positions.

Applicability of the Policy

Advanced Integration Level Students

Related Larner College of Medicine Policies

Related University of Vermont Policies

Not Applicable

Related Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) Standard(s)

10.9 Student Assignment


  • 6/18/2019 Policy Adopted/Affirmed [Medical Curriculum Committee]
  • 1/21/2020 Reformatted [Medical Curriculum Committee]
  • 4/21/2020 Policy Revised [Medical Curriculum Committee]
  • 12/7/2020 Policy Edited [Medical Curriculum Committee]
  • 2/16/2021 Policy Edited [Medical Curriculum Committee]
  • 10/19/2021 Policy Revision [Medical Curriculum Committee]
  • 7/19/2022 Policy Edited [Medical Curriculum Committee]
  • 6/20/2023 Policy Edited [Medical Curriculum Committee]
  • 11/19/2024 Policy Revised [Medical Curriculum Committee]

Policy Oversight

Advanced Integration Level Director

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